The story of Agatha Bello. A young teenager is traumatised by an event while spending a holiday with her uncle. She and her family moves to New York on winning an American lottery. It’s been 2years now and the circumstances surrounding the death of her uncle and cousins wouldn’t stop haunting her. She’s forced to visit a therapist in Manhattan where she learns to deal with her emotions in a way she never expected.
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The River Bank; In The Before & In The After
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The story of Agatha Bello. A young teenager is traumatised by an event while spending a holiday with her uncle. She and her family moves to New York on winning an American lottery. It’s been 2years now and the circumstances surrounding the death of her uncle and cousins wouldn’t stop haunting her. She’s forced to visit a therapist in Manhattan where she learns to deal with her emotions in a way she never expected.